Batteries are a major component inside all IT computer hardware WEEE and so when they are disposed of it is essential that such hazardous materials are recycled safely without risk to the environment and people’s health. Mistreatment of batteries or poor handling can result in fatal consequences to health and safety or and the environment in which we live.
Revive ITs battery recycling service has the following features:
- Nationwide cost neutral battery recycling service
- Revive IT employ chemical & electrical safety experts and so we have all training and procedures in place to ensure efficient, safe handling of batteries
- All batteries are protected in fire proof creates
- Batteries can be collected or dropped off at our processing facility
- We can accept all types of batteries such as car / UPS / household batteries
- The transferor will receive a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note (HWCN) at the time of the collection – your full duty of care will be complied with
- Revive IT are the highest accredited IT recycling organisation within the UK and so you can expect nothing but 100% compliance
What will happen to my batteries?
Batteries are recycled in a process where the lead and plastic of the batteries are reclaimed and sent to new battery manufacturers to be reused. Lead is recovered by either separating the lead, plastics and acid that makes up the battery before metallurgical processing. Alternatively, the batteries can be processed as a whole through heat treatment (thermal recovery) in a specific type of furnace, with the metals being recovered at the end of the process.

Free Battery Recycling in Leeds